Thursday, July 10, 2014

Word Bearers Army - Now With Guard

Been a while since I posted to this blog, but frankly it'd also been a while since I did any hardcore 40k!  Yea, after the high note of Feast of Blades, I sorta mellowed out on 40k for a while, tried experimenting with some variants on a theme, but still throwing 3 maulerfiends and a Khorne lord on the table.  Not much seemed to be helping my enthusiasm, really.  But then I ended up with an Imperial Guard army!

Daemonic Tank Commander - Leman Russ Punisher Conversion

Well this blog started with a painting tutorial, what better way to revive it than with some painting/modelling stuff.  I recently acquired an Imperial Guard army to add to my Word Bearers force, and while I got a great deal on all the stuff I acquired, it was lacking a few key elements.  Namely, Leman Russ tanks.  So I picked up one Leman Russ and threw it together straight out of the box in a Punisher configuration, replacing the Imperial symbols with chaos brass etching, but I wanted to do something special for the tank commander.

Cue this guy: