Thursday, July 10, 2014

Word Bearers Army - Now With Guard

Been a while since I posted to this blog, but frankly it'd also been a while since I did any hardcore 40k!  Yea, after the high note of Feast of Blades, I sorta mellowed out on 40k for a while, tried experimenting with some variants on a theme, but still throwing 3 maulerfiends and a Khorne lord on the table.  Not much seemed to be helping my enthusiasm, really.  But then I ended up with an Imperial Guard army!

Yes, one of my friends was getting out of the game and sold me his giant Renegade Guard force, complete with tons of spare sprues and etched brass, at a good deal.  I messed around with the new codex for a bit and allied a small contingent of IG into my CSM for BoLS/WarGames/TexasGames Con 2014.  Attended the 1500 point tournament and landed firmly in 10th place out of 40-50 participants.  Not bad.  However, the meat of things I want to show off is my Leman Russ Punisher conversion.  See, while my friend's army had a large number of based and painted guardsmen, and a few Chimeras that are nicely converted with greenstuff, only one Chimera was fully painted, and there was only one Leman Russ in the army, which was a reconfigured Defiler.  I wasn't a big fan of it as a Leman Russ, honestly.  What can I say, I like me some treads, and also with 3 maulerfiends, I feel like I have enough crawly-things.  Aesthetically, I need some tracks and wheels to balance it.

So I did the only thing I could do, bought a Leman Russ and ripped apart one of the Chimeras to make my Tank Commander!  I also had painted the manticore myself, but it was a rush job.  For only having 3 models to finish by TexasGamesCon, I certainly managed to bring it down to the wire.  I'm going to have to go back and do some touch-up painting later, but I was at least pleased to put these tanks on the table.  I mimicked the color scheme of the Chimera, using grey as the primary color with large patches of dark red and brown and painting all of the rivets with a bright brass color.

Honestly I really like the color scheme, and the army did fairly well for me, too.  I blame some of my poorer games more on lack of practice than the actual army.  Also, I took a Manticore in the list to have something with long-range antivehicle power, but then 7th edition dropped and the storm eagle rockets weep for their AP4.  Even with the cut-down ability to hit vehicles, the Manticore still did some good work, and I would take it again in a full-size Guard army.  Here's the list I used:

Chaos Lord - Mark of Khorne, Juggernaut, Sigil of Corruption, Axe of Blind Fury (170 points) 
5-man Chaos Space Marine Squad - 1x Meltagun, Chaos Rhino (120 points)
10-man Chaos Cultist Squad (50 points)
Fast Attack
3 Chaos Spawn (90 points)
Heavy Support
Maulerfiend - Magma Cutters (125 points)
Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils (135 points)
Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils (135 points)
Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard / Astra Militarum
Tank Commander - Leman Russ Punisher, Heavy Bolter Hull/Sponsons, Relic Plating, Dozer Blade (168 points)
+1 Leman Russ Punisher - Heavy Bolter Hull/Sponsons (160 points)

10-man Veterans Squad - 2x Meltaguns, Chimera (145 points)

Heavy Support
Manticore (170 points)

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